Status update: Looking forward to meeting @Joseph and @Tara today!
Check In: Tea centre, Mumbai at 16:42 on 1st December
My profile picture shows you exactly what I look like.
An invasion of privacy if you approach me at tea centre with all of my information at the tip of your fingers? Hardly! I offered the information.
Why do we do it? Why do we spend hours on Facebook and care how many 'likes' our status has or how many compliments my profile picture attracts.
In my little Facebook bubble, I rule. If my life is not interesting I'll post some pictures and some "cool" status updates to make you believe it is. My self image and invariably my self esteem is directly proportionate to the activity on my Facebook profile. The good news: my measurement standards have company evident on my newsfeed.
You wouldn't bear your soul to a stranger on the road or even consider giving them an insight into a day in your life. The web has redefined the term 'stranger'. As much as you know I could be someone with psychological issues or someone who owns nothing more than a begging bowl and a computer on which I'm writing this (it's possible!).
Is it scary that someone at the other end of the world knows your thoughts or comforting that someone cares enough to spend the time and read it?